On the horizon, we find a first overture to a spectacular landscape. Because the fortress of Ujué unfolds its powerful silhouette especially to the south. We will come back to that on the tower platform. Behind us another Gothic window of the nave and the westernmost interior bay on this side, now semicircular. The terraces connected the towers of the fortress and the perimeter passages that configured its ring roads, now highlighting the defensive function of the compound. From the small door of the smaller tower, a stairway leads us back inside to the choir. And from the choir to the north tower, never finished. This area cannot be visited.
If we look at the wall on this side, we are surprised by the high degree of oxidation of some ashlars. Of a very reddened appearance. It is not a natural quality, but the effect of the fire. A hearth was placed on this wall, as the terrace, for years, was an actual home. The sacristan and bell ringer of the sanctuary lived here until the eighties of the last century.
We return to the tower and go up again. This is the longest flight of spiral staircase. As we go up, we can see the stonework marks of the reused Romanesque door, as well as the trace of the wooden staircase on the wall which denotes its original appearance. We can also similarly see the landscape that opens before our eyes and the configuration of the large openings and their canopies. Already up top, let luck be on our side with the weather and the cleanliness of the air.
Once at the top, press number 18.